Jaz Mattu will bring his second hour to the Edinburgh Fringe Just The Tonic Caves this year with a brand-new show entitled ‘Jaz Mattu Returns’. Think a sillier Teeuween, Morpurgo and Gadd.
A tale of freedom vs responsibility, his true story in ‘Jaz Mattu Returns’ will be told through music, multimedia, standup, theatre, design and clowning.
One day a family event thrusts all meaning and responsibility onto his shoulders. His father fell off a ladder and broke his leg, which resulted in him being wheelchair-bound. Suddenly Jaz needs to become a carer and must become the head of the house.
Will Jaz continue with his career in the arts or accept this newfound responsibility? How long can an absurdist tug of war between father and son truly last?
Jaz Mattu is a British Asian stand-up, writer and musician. He has written, directed and filmed two of his own music videos which are available on YouTube. Before comedy he worked as a designer and software engineer for 10 years.
He has trained extensively in clowning and worked with Philipe Gaulier, Dr. Brown, Mick Barnfather and Red Bastard. Outside of all this he is a egular on the London Spoken Word scene, contributing stories and poem to the many diverse nights.
Key Creatives
Dramaturge: Annie Siddons (Julia Masli's CHOOSH! and HaHaHaHa!)
Creative Consultant: Ben Target (Lorenzo 2023)
Outside Eye: Joz Norris (Comedian Choice winner 2019)
Video/Sound/Set Design: Jaz Mattu (With help from DW Studios)
Lighting Design: Ben Sayers
Jaz Mattu Returns is at the Just The Tonic from August 2 - 25 @ The Caves - Just Out of the Box @ 6.40pm for tickets go to www.edfringe.com
What is the last thing you do before you go onstage (apart from check your flies and/or check your knickers aren't sticking out of your skirt and check for spinach between your teeth)
Remember to breathe. It's harder than you think.
What irritates you?
In life, the duplicitous nature between someone in real life and their online personality. In comedy, the long hours commuting on motorways/public transport.
What is the most dangerous thing you have ever done?
I’ve honestly lost count. The first one that comes to mind is when I was in a toy shop and saw a toy drone on display, one that you could fly. This was in London around Christmas.
I naturally had to have a go flying said drone…but sadly lost control and flew it in between three very hard looking blokes’ conversation. Literally, the drone did a fly by in between their mouths. Imagine the Millennium Falcon from the Star Wars movies weaving in between three asteroids. Instead of asteroids however, think three blokes who would be characters in a Lock Stock and Two Smoking Barrels/Guy Ritchie film. Think 100% British Beef, skinhead, possibly former boxer, did jail time for GBH but reformed, tattoos, holidaying in Benidorm, gets mistaken for Grant Mitchell all the time, with a wife 15 years younger and two daughters. All three men looked over, started yelling and I sort of had to make a hasty exit/run for my goddamn life.
The Millennium Falcon can do the Kessel Run in less than twelve parsecs…and I can run to Oxford Circus station in 90 seconds.
What is the most stupid thing you have ever done?
I’ve done so many stupid things, but the first one that comes to my mind is the time I had a head on collision with another car. This was as a result of me not being happy with the position of a freshly bought kebab. Said kebab was resting next to me on the front passenger seat. I thought, “Jaz, if I make a turning, the sauce is going to spill out and leak into the chips”. I couldn’t have that, as I had accidentally said yes when asked for chilli sauce on my meat and chips.
I always panic at kebab shops when asked “chilli sauce salad??!!”, so say yes, out of decorum. I then came up to a turning, took my eyes off the road for a split second, went for the adjustment…and… BANG…a car collided into me.
I was a bit aggrieved as I know the road well, it's a slow residential road. The other car would have had plenty of time to see me pulling out and could have stopped. It turned out however, the driver was in his 80’s. I didn’t want to have killed a pensioner over a meat and chips. Therefore I calmed him and his wife down, then took them in my car (which was the less wrecked of the two) back to their house.
We traded insurance. Then I drove back home.
The worst thing is, by the time I got home, the meat and chips were cold and very much bathed in chilli sauce.
What has surprised you the most during your career in comedy?
That I naively assumed everyone has the same tastes and motivations as me. Like when you join a club or a corporate company they usually want a certain type of person. I realise now, in comedy, that its people from all walks of life. Almost like a school playground. You’ll find your group, you’ll meet other groups, you’ll find people who are just there, you’ll meet bullies or you’ll wander lunchtime by yourself.
Interview continues here