Edinburgh Fringe 2024: Rarely Asked Questions – Nina Gilligan: Page 2 of 2

Just the Tonic To Host Neurodiverse Review Awards at Edinburgh Fringe

What do your parents/children (delete as applicable) think of your job? 

My mum has been to see me once and I had to seriously edit my set and then afterwards she said, ‘Why wasn’t there more jokes about me?’ She found a couple of bits online that more conventional women might have been offended by, but she just howled, she loves attention, and she is my crazy muse.

My dad sadly hasn’t been to see me, which breaks my heart. He brought me up from 12 but is in a ‘situation’ that prevents him from being fully present. I am unable to tackle that subject yet as it is so painful, but I will one day as I think it will resonate with a lot of people in stepfamilies.


What’s the worst thing about being a comedian? 

The complete lack of routine and I’m not even a routine person, before comedy I hated routine, but this is ridiculous. I moved to Hebden Bridge in lockdown; ‘Yorkshire Brighton’ for reference and there was so many things and classes I was going to take. I haven’t had one sound bath! Not one!


I think you are very good at what you do (that’s why I’m asking these questions). What do you think of you?

I think I am a middle aged northern woman on the outside performing adult stand up routines to strangers and a 5 year old girl on the inside stood on a table, singing ‘I’m a little teapot’ to my teddies. 


How much do you earn and how much would you like to earn? 

Not enough to go on holiday and I would like to go on holiday.


How important is luck in terms of career success – have you had lucky breaks? 

I’m going to get on my soapbox for a second. If you are privileged you don’t need luck in the same way as someone from a background who has less money, connections or for whatever reason, due to the vagaries of the chosen ‘focus’ of this year’s judging panel does not fit in. 

I think sadly and all too often ‘luck’ is often a fantasy repackaged and sold to entice working class people onto big talent shows and into situations where they risk feeling out of control and embarrassed. 

What is important is opportunity which is a very different thing to luck. I have had a few great opportunities, such as working on the Radio 4 sitcom ‘Where to, mate?’ 


Alan Davies has said that comedians fall into two categories - golfers and self-harmers. The former just get on with life, the latter are tortured artists. Which are you – or do you think you fit into third category? 

I am a self-harmer that presents as a golfer. I live and breathe comedy but as I started late, I am always pinching myself that I am earning a living from stand-up and reminding myself to enjoy the journey because I know that it will end, and I try and keep balance and not forget my kids and family because I won’t be on my deathbed thinking about a gig I did in Derby.


Who is your favourite person ever and why – not including family or friends or other comedians? 

I am a huge fan of Emily Maitlis. In another life I am a sexy, sassy, political journalist that can bring down the British establishment in thigh high boots.


Do you keep your drawers tidy and if not why not? (please think long and hard about this question, it's to settle an argument with my girlfriend. The future of our relationship could depend on your response). 

I am an untidy drawer keeper. I have tried to rein it in. I went through a Marie Kondo phase but the energy that takes, it’s not worth it, apparently even she has given up. Your drawers reflect your state of your mind and mine are chaotic to a point; like the dressing table has mainly the correct stuff but then there will be a random fork and a Christmas dec, but that’s how you make jokes, making weird sense out of your personal chaos.

Nina Gilligan's ‘Goldfish’ is at the Just The Tonic Sub-Atomic at the Nucleus @ 8.40pm for tickets go to www.edfringe.com 








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