What do your parents think of your job?
My parents are very supportive, which I am incredibly grateful for. My mom is also a performer, and she is always trying to rewrite my jokes, even when they're about her! I wrote one of my favorite jokes in college, right when I started. It's about coming out to my mom as a lesbian. So I ran it by her and she said "Yeah, I actually don't think that's so funny." Then the next day she called back and said "Actually, I spoke to some lesbians and they love it, so it's a go!" She is truly hilarious. And my dad is a writer/producer, he is so encouraging and helpful. I honestly could not be luckier - it's not lost on me that many folks can't say the same about their family when it comes to this industry/profession.
What’s the worst thing about being a comedian?
I don't love being out late at night!
I think you are very good at what you do (that’s why I’m asking these questions). What do you think of you?
I think what I like about myself as a comedian is that I am very honest and personal, and not afraid to cover topics other folks are afraid to talk about. I share a lot of myself, I am comfortable doing so, and I think that helps other folks to feel comfy opening up!
How much do you earn and how much would you like to earn?
I earn about 55k a year, give or take (with day job and performance money). My artist friends are like OMG WOW THAT'S A LOT. My non artist friends are like WOW HOW DO YOU POSSIBLY SURVIVE IN NYC!? I sort of oscillate between these two vibes :)
I would love to earn any amount that is higher than this amount :)))
How important is luck in terms of career success – have you had lucky breaks?
I think luck is always a factor. And some folks get lucky, some don't, sure. But I think if you work hard enough for long enough, luck is more likely to strike you. I also think you can get lucky, and then if you don't have much talent, there's nothing to sustain you. So, ultimately, luck is cool, but if you don't actually have something to say or don't have a real work ethic, then I don't know that it does much. I also think that sometimes we use the word "luck" when we actually mean privilege or access. Some folks have more access to opportunities that will afford them "luck" because of money or connections or whiteness or gender or all of the above! I think it's really important to factor these sorts of realities into the equation here.
As for me, I think I have been afforded immense amounts of access. My dad is in the film industry, I grew up around lots of wealth, I have connections -- these things got me in the room with the right people at an early age. But I think I had exposure to all of that almost too early on. In my early twenties, I didn't really know what my voice was or what I wanted out of my career, so I often didn't make the most of the opportunities I got. I also thought that I was going to get famous in like, a day. Which was so dumb. I was always like, "Am I famous yet?" And it was like, no Olivia, you have done stand up for one week, you are NOT famous nor should you be! Now I have a much stronger sense of myself and what I want, so I am trying to keep my head down, do the work, and hope something comes of that! The last thing I will say is, I am much more interested in the work than I used to be. It used to be the results that drove me, now I am just so happy to be immersed in a project I like. I feel lucky for that.
Alan Davies has said that comedians fall into two categories - golfers and self-harmers. The former just get on with life, the latter are tortured artists. Which are you – or do you think you fit into third category?
I honestly do think I fit into a third. I'll bring in astrology here, like every good lesbian should. I am a Sagittarius sun, Gemini rising, so I am very sociable, confident and optimistic, which I think is sort of uncommon for comedians. But my Scorpio moon keeps me in my feelings, and gives me that edge. My mom likes to say "I have a deep well of sadness", but I am not sure that sadness is like, my own? I think I feel things very deeply, I can go to dark places, but I am ultimately pretty jolly!
Who is your favourite person ever and why – not including family or friends or other comedians?
I remember this girl Tamra from soccer camp -- sorry football camp -- quite fondly. I think she may have been my first crush and I liked her braces. That's honestly all I remember about her, but to this day I think she's the bees knees. No notes.
Do you keep your drawers tidy and if not why not? (please think long and hard about this question, it's to settle an argument with my girlfriend. The future of our relationship could depend on your response).
Okay so, sort of? Half way? I would say most of my clothes are folded, and then about three items are crammed in there, and will stay crammed in there for weeks, until I decide to throw them in the laundry (just so I don't have to deal with them) or fold them. And the why goes like this - my drawers are rarely open, so even if they are untidy, I don't FEEL like things are untidy. That's enough for me.
Olivia Levine: ‘Unstuck’ is at Just The Tonic - The Mash House Bottle Room @ 7.30pm for tickets go to www.edfringe.com