Review: Edinburgh Fringe 2024 – Emma Sidi Is Sue Gray, Pleasance

Review: Edinburgh Fringe 2024 – Emma Sidi Is Sue Gray, Pleasance
Bobby Davro is dong a run at this year's Fringe but if you want to see impressions at their finest go and see Emma Sidi. Well, maybe that's not quite true. She doesn't do Frank Spencer or Stephen Hawking but in her full-length show she absolutely nails the Labour Party's Chief of Staff Sue Gray.
Or maybe not. The trouble is that nobody really knows what Sue Gray sounds like. So Sidi – best known to TV viewers for her role as flatmate Kate in the Rose Matafeo comedy Starstruck – uses this to her advantage and delivers something of a tour de force notion of what she imagines Sue Gray to sound like. 
And guess what. She imagines that Sue Gray sounds like she works behing the bar at the Queen Vic. This is a bolshy, bitchy Pat Butcher Chief of Staff who wears a Gap T-shirt and moans about having having to put up with Rishi Sunak playing pranks with Pritt Stick to try to be popular. She is far keener on Keir Starmer, who, she informs us, is "dripping with rizz."
So this is not so much an elongated Dead Ringers skit as something more absurd. Either groundbreaking art or utter nonsense depending on where you are coming from. What is certain is that Sidi is totally committed to the role, taking what might have made a great sketch – imagine if a posh political advisor was on Eastenders – and stretching it out over an hour.
There are plenty of neat little touches along the way. The trouser-suited Sidi breaks up the monologue about investigating Partygate and having a beef with police boss Cressida Dick (FYI for any lawyers out there, this is a comedy show joke) with daft digressions in Spanish (maybe a little overlong unless you come from Madrid tbh) and moments when she pulls up members of the audience for literal watercooler moments.
It is an indication of Sidi's clowning confidence and physical comedy skills that some of the funniest moments are when she is silently drinking from a plastic cup. The night I was in she was blessed with some audience members who totally bought into the conceit and were completely on Sidi's wavelength.
If there is a satirical subtext to this it passed me by. At times this feels more like a piece of Marina Abramovic performance art than Pub Landlord-style character comedy. Despite the run-down of political shenanagins during her time in the Civil Service and now working for the Labour Party one doesn't particularly get a sense that Sidi is taking sides.
Well, maybe there is a hint of Sidi's preferences, given that her Sue Gray can barely remember Rishi apart from the fact that he got soaked and pretended his stapler could talk, but can't get over Keir fizzing with rizz.
Until August 25. Tickets here.
Picture ©Matt Stronge


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