Dov's Jewish Joke of the Fringe 2024 Invites Entries

Dov's Top 5 Jewish Jokes of the Fringe 2024 Revealed

Podcast co-hosts, Philip Simon and Rachel Creeger are looking for the funniest original Jewish jokes of the festival. Anyone with a show at the Fringe can enter. The winning joke will receive a prize of £18* and a trophy, and will also feature in a future episode of the Podcast. 

The competition is open to anyone with a show at the Fringe (you don’t have to be Jewish) and the winner and list of runners up will be announced on Tuesday 20th August. For more information and to apply click here.

Philip Simon says, “There seem to be so many different joke lists every year and we realised one genre that hasn’t yet been explored was this specific one of Jewish comedy.” 

Rachel Creeger says, “We’re excited to hear what original jokes people come up with and we really hope that a variety of people enter (with a bit of an awareness that if you need to check with someone whether your entry is antisemitic, it probably is!)”

The deadline for submissions is midnight on 18th August and the judges’ decisions are final. 

NB If either of our mums are reading this, that includes you.

Why £18? Well, in Jewish tradition the letters of the Hebrew word “chai”, meaning life, are numerically equivalent to the number 18 - and what is life without a good laugh?

Philip Simon is an award-winning comedian, former Jewish Comedian of the Year and runner up in the UK Pun Championships. His solo show, “Shall I Compere Thee in a Funny Way?” is an hour of crowd work where the audience suggests the topics and a spinning wheel decides the order. You can catch the show at 8:55pm until 18th August at the Banshee Labyrinth.

Along with Aaron Levene, Philip also runs hit Edinburgh show Jew-O-Rama currently playing to full rooms at 5:15pm every day at Whistlebinkies.

One of Philip's favourite original Jewish jokes is: I’m jealous of non-Jews talking about the girls they get to date, saying really cool things like “I tapped that! I nailed her! I screwed her! I can’t say things like that. I’m Jewish; we don’t do DIY! A job that big, we’re getting a man in!

Rachel Creeger is a multi award-winning stand up comedian, writer and director, and the only orthodox Jew on the UK comedy circuit. Her solo show, “Ultimate Jewish Mother”, is a combination of comedy, crowd work and cabaret as she proves that Jewish mothers always have the solution to your problems and answers for your questions. "There is a huge scope for humour around culture and religion. 'Rachel Creeger: Ultimate Jewish Mother' is the pinnacle of this" Lynne Parker, Funny Women. (You can  see it at Whistlebinkies at 1.30pm - except on Saturdays, for obvious reasons!)

One of Rachel's favourite original Jewish jokes is: Jewish mothers always have plenty of food on hand so guests never want to leave - it’s stock home syndrome.

With listeners in 26 countries around the world so far, their "Jew Talkin' To Me?" podcast has consistently been listed as one of the top ranked Jewish comedy shows on all of the podcast platforms. You can check out previous episodes via or listen in on any of the usual platforms. 



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