It's the show you've been waiting for. The show that you thought might never happen. The show that goes to places that other shows can only imagine. Well, maybe. It's Shitty Mozart, the hi-tech low brow multi-media comedy from Aaron Nemo, a staff writer at The Late Show with Stephen Colbert and songwriter for Adam Sandler.
If you like your comedy about as childish as saying "pooh pooh" this is the one for you. Nemo, sporting fluffy white hair that my trichologist has informed me is probably a wig, plays this cloned, modern version of Mozart. You know the way they brought dinosaurs back in Jurassic Park? They did similar with Mozart, but instead of using head hair they accidentally used a pube. Big Mistake. This probably explains why a lot of the irreverent songs and skits are based around genitals, jizz and farts.
But this is never intended as a fun-for-all-the-family cerebral show. It's a late night hoot for anyone who loves South Park or misses Beavis and Butthead. And Nemo is certainly very good with technology and gadgets. Each song and gag comes with a cartoon for extra punchlines. He has a neat way of interacting with the screen too, so that, for example, at one point bees fly out into the audience.
He also has an inventive way of putting down hecklers, using a bluetooth-enabled electronic recorder gizmo to create instant comebacks for anything - although on the night I was in he was a bit stumped by a heckle of "Huw Edwards". But actually elsewhere he's very good on UK references and has tailored his show nicely to a British audience.
And full marks too for having a set that's more topical than most on the Fringe at the moment. There's a quickfire satirical number about political assassination and even an on-trend swipe at a journalist who reviewed the show only a week ago.
Watching an animation of rats and pigeons having sex on the New York subway might not be everyone's bag, but Nemo walks a thin line between vulgarity and wit and manages to pull it off. Let's face it, Shitty Mozart is no musical genius like the original Wolfgang but if you like your comedy accompanied by snappy samples from The Killers and smutty Venn diagrams this might be just the symphony of silliness you've been dreaming about
Gilded Balloon The Patter Hoose – Nip Room @ 11pm for tickets go to www.edfringe.com