Australia seerms to have a habit of rolling out comedy nutjobs. Josh Glanc combines the fuzzy moustachioed surrealism of Sam Simmons with the absurdism of Sam Campbell. He has been around for a few years now but has really hit paydirt with his latest show Family Man.
His show is a potently silly mix of music, interaction with the audience, autobiography anf screwball flights of fancy. He starts off with his addictive title song backed by his plinky plonk and keeps returning to it. If you haven't got the "Family Man" tune echoing around your head for the rest of the day get your ears syringed, you must be deaf.
Maybe I caught him on a good day – though I doubt it – but his crowdwork is some of the best I've seen all fest. A spontaneous rendition of a song from Grease had him duetting with an audience fan after a heated debate about the actual words. At least these days a quick google can settle any argument before it comes to blows..
There's never a chance to be bored. He's a big fan of lanyards as well as cropped T-shirts on men that reveal a hairy belly. Oh and the picture here doesn't do him justice, his moustache is much fuzzier than this.
It is worth noting that both Sams – Campbell and Simmons – went on to win the prestigious Edinburgh Comedy Award – and Glanc has just been nominated for this year's award. Could he win it too? Or does he have to change his name to Sam first?
Until August 25. Tickets and info here.