Lost Voice Guy Lee Ridley Completes The Great North Run

Lost Voice Guy Lee Ridley Completes The Great North Run

Lost Voice Guy, otherwise known as Lee Ridley, completed the Great North Run on Sunday. 

He was joined ad maybe helped a little bit by his crew - Beth Mullins, Claudia Marshall, Lee Martin and Ernesto de la Fuente.

This is the second time he has completed the 13.1 mile course from Newcastle to South Shields. He did it in a time of 2 hours and 34 minutes and raised over £1000 for the Smile for Life Children's Charity. You can donate here.

Ridley said: "It feels amazing to have completed my second GNR, even better than the first time last year. As always, the atmosphere was fantastic and the encouragement we received going along the course was exactly what we all needed to hear. Well done to my team for pushing me all of that way and raising lots of money for Smile For Life. They're such a wonderful charity who do so much good work with young disabled people, so they deserve all the support they get. I'm proud to be their patron. I'm already looking forward to next year!"



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