Brand New Show From Daniel Kitson

Brand New Show From Daniel Kitson

Daniel Kitson is set to debut a new show in Manchester this autumn.

Pith will run at the Royal Exchange from October 17 - 26. It is described as "a new storytelling experiment"

The blurb is as follows:

"There might be music.

There might be music and the phrase “You will one day”, and a man in a coffee shop asking if they charge for Babycinos. There might be someone’s hand in mine when I wake up and the sound of somewhere else and a notebook full of crossed out names. There might be more trains than usual needing to be repaired at the same time. There might be cake and natural causes and a ladybird walking across the screen of a smartphone. There might be other ideas and a dog with a haircut and my reflection inside a fitting room. There might be gaps in the stories and stories in the gaps and work to be done. There might be a new thought and an old friend and someone else’s coat too close to my leg. There might be clues and there might be carpet and there might be a busker in Cardiff singing hallelujah.


It’s possible,

There might be jokes."

Kitson says on his later newsletter that while a full tour isn't planned for Pith, after this run he will probably rejig it a bit and then "plonk it down in specific places for a while. I reckon."

Buy tickets here.









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