Comedian James Acaster has revealed how DJ Chris Moyles was an unlikely early comedy influence.
Guesting on Moyles' radio show the Off Menu podcast co-host recalled how he used to pay close attention to Moyles' show as a teenager.
"I wouldn't be doing the podcast that I do, which is the main thing that keeps my lights on, if it wasn't for Chris Moyles. That is a true thing. When I was 13, actually 14, it was 1999. Our house flooded because of a cracked ballcock, which may or may not have been Susie Quatro’s fault, and I can't prove that. We had to move into a smaller house; I didn't have a television, so I started listening to the radio every day. I listened to you every time I got home from school. And because you mainly did banter with everyone in the studio, and not music, I really loved it. Started recording on a little tape player at home, and me, my brother and sister would do our own version of The Chris Moyles Show and record that.
I dread to think where those tapes are now, because it's me trying to be funny at 14. And there's still times now when I'm doing the Off Menu podcast with Ed where I think, ‘I can't believe I get to be Chris Moyles."
He also confessed that Chris Moyles influenced his toilet etiquette...
"On a couple of occasions, you and the crew on that show went off on a tangent about the dilemma of going for a poo at a friend's house. And Chris's contribution to the riff would always be, you would say, put down some toilet paper to deaden in the sound..And I was 14, so this was a new concept to me. You know, you don’t do that when you're seven, do you put the toilet paper down to deaden the sound? So this was new. And I was like, ‘That's a good idea, actually, because I'm 14 years old, I'm scared of going for poos in people's houses.’ So, I started doing it because Chris suggested it, and so every time I put toilet paper down to dead in the sound, I think of Chris. That's every time I do a poo. I'm 39 now. I was 14. Over half of my life, I thought of Chris Moyles every time I do a poo."
Tune into The Chris Moyles Show on Radio X weekdays from 6:30am – 10am and on Global Player**