Katherine Ryan, Seann Walsh, Fatiha El-Ghorri Attempt to Make Audience Laugh Their Cash Away In New Show

Katherine Ryan, Seann Walsh, Fatiha El-Ghorri Attempt to Make Audience Laugh Their Cash Away In New Show

Dermot O'Leary is the hoist of a new game show on U&Dave, Silence is Golden, described as the comedy show that you can't laugh at.

The studio audience is given £250,000 but there’s a green room of entertainers headed up by Katherine Ryan, Seann Walsh and Fatiha El-Ghorri and special guests attempting to bring the prize pot down. Every single noise any audience member makes loses them all money.


Each episode begins with the studio audience getting £250,000 to share between them. All they need to do to keep it is not make a sound.


With every audience member mic'ed up, all hell breaks loose as a green room of 30 acts, led by three returning comedian captains, headed up by Katherine Ryan, wage war on the audience, with every sound forced out of them bringing the total prize money down.

Among the other comedians joining in to win are Amy Gledhill, Jack Skipper, Huge Davies and Reuben Kaye, Laura Smyth and Emmanuel Sonubi, Joshua Robertson, Jazz Emu, Thanyia Moore, Spencer Jones, Jin Hao Li and Suzi Ruffell.


It's entertainers vs audience - they're not on the same side. If the entertainers get the prize pot to zero, they get to give money to charity.

Coming to U&Dave in May.


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