QI has launched a new mobile game. Qiktionary – "The Smart Way to Become Wordly Wise" – is available now on the iOS AppStore.
Qiktionary is a game of logic and vocabulary, where players uncover a hidden word and are rewarded with a QI fact. The game offers a ‘Single Player’ mode for those who want to build a large library of interesting facts; or ‘Play A Friend’ mode for the more competitive word-game lovers.
John Lloyd, CBE, founder of QI, says: “If, like all of us at QI, you’re a massive fan of Boggle, Scrabble and Only Connect, you’ll love this maddeningly addictive new game. It’s great fun to play in its own right – either against the machine or with a friend – but the unique bonus is that, every time you solve a word, you’re rewarded with an interesting fact about it. So, not only will you improve your brain skills, but your pub banter will leap to a whole new level.”
Qiktionary was engineered by Four Letter Works Ltd - a London-based independent development team. Qiktionary is their first game. Founder, Alex Johnston is delighted at the chance to work with the QI brand and its Elves:
“We’re enormously lucky that the stars lined up so favourably to make Qiktionary into a reality. It has taken several months to perfect the gameplay such that it has the right rhythm and tone to complement the QI ethos. We have high expectations and ambitions for Qiktionary including new languages, news-based word-packs and maybe even an Android version.”
Qiktionary is available free from the AppStore and here.