Pappy’s in split shock?! Not as far as I know, but if it gets you reading this preview I’m not complaining. Matthew Crosby’s solo show is actually his third show without the rest of Pappy’s. I’ve always warmed to his personality – nerdy, neurotic but also very smart in a cool way. He has been a schoolteacher in the past and he can win over a crowd with his sharp wits in much the same way that I bet he used to win over his pupils. Crosby has probably been doing more solo appearances than the other sketch group members, cropping up on various panel games as well as playing a news-reading dog on BBC1’s Animal Antics. He is always entertaining, even as a news-reading dog. His latest show is called Smaller Than Life. He is way too modest.
At Canal tonight, tickets here, and at Just The Tonic, Mash House, August 6 - 30, tickets here.