Last year Australian comic Bec Hill set out to perform an award-winning show at the Edinburgh Festival. She felt she had to pick up a prize as she had drunkenly told former Superman Dean Cain that she was an award-winning comic. This alcohol-fuelled way of motivating herself seemed to work. Hill picked up the inaugural Barry Award for Best Show, voted for by other comedians at the Edinburgh Fringe. She also won a Three Weeks Editor's Award for her children's show with Tom Goodliffe. Bec And Tom's Awesome Laundry.
As far as we know Hill hasn’t been talking to any heart-throbs in bars lately so there is less pressure this year, but great things are still expected from this rising star. Hill is very much a multi-tasker. She does whimsy, puns, cute D-I-Y animations and much, much more. There was even some low-impact audience participation in last year’s show. This year’s show is called Caught On Tape and is about regret. Well, one regret in particular that haunts her. But there are no spoilers here. You will have to trot along to see what it is all about. Bec Hill is at the Gilded Balloon from August 5 - 31. Tickets here.
1. What is the last thing you do before you go onstage (apart from check your flies, check for spinach between teeth and check your knickers aren't sticking out of your skirt)?
I’m Christian and I have IBS, so I’m either prayin’ or poopin’.
2. What irritates you?
Avocado. Literally. I’m allergic to it, so if I get it on my skin, I get a crazy, itchy rash. It also makes my throat swell up. I still eat it though, because I’m a badass.
3. What is the most dangerous thing you have ever done?
Finish off a bowl of guacamole.
4. What is the most stupid thing you have ever done?
See answers to question 2 and 3.
5. What has surprised you the most during your career in comedy?
The career part. I still can’t believe I make a living from this now. I am eternally grateful.
Interview continues here.