News: Comedian "Ex-Communicated" from Free Fringe

Stephen Carlin

Comedian Stephen Carlin says that he has been "fired" from PBH's Free Fringe and has had to find a new home for his show. He posted the following on his Facebook page last night.

'I have been duly fired by PBH from the PBH Free Fringe for also appearing at another show in a Laughing Horse venue. My show will no longer be appearing at the Canon's Gait. Apologies to all of you who turned up tonight only to be faced with a no show.

"The Gospel According to Stephen" has been the subject of ex-communication.

"The Gospel According to Stephen" will now continue at "Heroes of the Fringe" The Hive on Niddry Street at 10.10pm, 25th, 26th, 27th & 30th August. A big thanks to Bob Slayer and all at Heroes of the Fringe. Onward and upward!'

BTJ presumes that Carlin has fallen foul of the part of PBH's ethos which states that "If accepted by us, members of your show must not be part of any other free-admission show at the 2015 Fringe except for one-off unbilled spots in variable bill shows."

BTJ has asked PBH for a response and will update this piece when we receive one.


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