6. What do your parents think of your job?
My mum is proud but I don't know that it entirely makes sense to her. I dream big but I think sometimes that worries her. She's from an era that was about creating safety and security for yourself so what I do might seem odd to someone with that mentality and I get it. Most of the time though she's just thinking if she's OK and she's happy, I'm happy. She's very supportive like that. I think she feels pain if I do so just for her own self preservation, she needs me to be happy!
7. What’s the worst thing about what you do?
I always imagined that because comedians make us laugh, that they're all jolly, rounded people but they have hang ups and insecurities like everyone else. Most comics are cool but some, who are successful, been around for years, acts I've respected can get so jealous and petty. Perhaps they're pissed it hasn't worked out the way they dreamed and they take it out on those that follow them. I've had established comics try to throw shade my way and I'm thinking, seriously? I heard the term bitterati a few years ago. Perfect description.
8. I think you are very good at what you do (that’s why I’m asking these questions). What do you think of you?
Thanks. Well, I always think I can do better. Whether it's true or not that you're only as good as your last gig, that is how I think. Thankfully my last gig was a belter. However, I realised recently that my comedy is not as smart as I am. By which I mean I wish I could make the things I think about funny. Like, I'm fascinated by existential enquiry but getting that into a tight five might be a challenge.
9. How much do you earn and how much would you like to earn?
I earn enough. I have pretty modest needs. I have a great place to live, a cool car and beyond that, I don't need that much else. A survey about happiness found that the difference in happiness between those earning £3000 and £30,000 is huge but the difference between those earning £30,000 and £3,000,000 isn't that much. I agree. People think that money makes them happy but once your needs are met, you're gonna want fulfillment in a different way, giving, helping others, meeting your own goals and targets. I want to be comfortable but most importantly I want to be happy. I don't need to own a yacht to experience that.
10. How important is luck in terms of career success – have you had lucky breaks?
You have to be in a state of readiness when the opportunities come so luck can get you started but if I wasn't any good I wouldn't have been able to sustain a 13-year career as a performer and writer. I prefer to say I've had good fortune in that I was ready for the luck when it came my way.
11. Alan Davies has said that comedians fall into two categories - golfers and self-harmers. The former just get on with life, the latter are tortured artists. Which are you – or do you think you fit into a third category?
Haha. Yeah, I like that. I'm definitely a self-harmer. I think there's a lot of it about. The term I use for "golfer" is "play station comic". Gets up at noon, plays GTA all day then does their gig. Nothing wrong with that but when I started out I hated the idea of squandering my day. I'd given up a lot to follow this path so I always wanted to be doing something that was moving my career forward. I worked very hard. I'm much easier on myself now. I'm happy not to work all the hours God sends anymore. I take more days off and remind myself, I've earned it, god damn it!
12. Who is your favourite person ever and why – not including family or friends or other comedians?
So basically you're saying, who's your favourite person that you don't know?! It would have to be Viola Davis. She's a hero for sure. I loved what she said at the Emmys recently. I hate to tub thump about race but people who think we're in a post-racial society are delusional. It can get frustrating and kind of depressing if I'm honest but then I remember that we are moving forward. We're always moving forward (so long as Trump doesn't become US president) . Viola is a trailblazer in so many ways, for actors, for women, for black people. And she's immensely stylish and graceful. She's lovely. Sometimes, when I'm seeking inspiration, I'll just sit and watch video after video of her on Youtube. To go from abject poverty (I'm talking rooting through trash cans poor) to Academy Award-winning actor, there's something very special about a lady like that. Oh, can I add Stevie Wonder to this list. I think he's the only celebrity I could meet that would literally silence me. He's just such an awesome spirit. And not bad pipes either.
13. Do you keep your drawers tidy and if not why not?
Yes! I hate messy drawers. How can you live like that. I have little divider thingys that I got from Ikea. Changed my life.