We haven't seen a lot of Andi Osho on the UK comedy circuit recently because she has been dividing her time between the UK and America. She has acted, made films and appeared regularly on Stateside TV. She hasn't forgotten us though. One of Osho's most recent projects is Amber, a short film which she has written and directed. Update July 2017 - Andi is currently one of the co-presenters of Super Shoppers on C4 on Tuesdays. Here's a classic BTJ chat with Osho.
1. What is the last thing you do before you go onstage (apart from check your flies, check for spinach between teeth and check your knickers aren't sticking out of your skirt)?
The very last thing I do (after the spinachknickerfly check), is cheer. I think it comes from those early days playing rooms where it's just comics and perhaps three real audience members. I probably started cheering just to make myself feel like someone gave a shit that I was going on stage. Even now, no matter how big the room, by default, I'll still let out a little yaaaaaay, as I approach the mic.
2. What irritates you?
Wool. Talking in the cinema. I'm the "shush" lady. Feet on seats on public transport. Spitting. Just vile. I hate it when people don't treat each other respectfully or think of others. I'm going to be such an annoying old lady. I can't wait.
3. What is the most dangerous thing you have ever done?
I'm not really a thrill seeker. The most dangerous thing I've done is eat petrol station food. I had that undercut for a couple of years. Does that count?
4. What is the most stupid thing you have ever done?
That undercut? Errr, ... Oh I know, early one morning I'm staggering home from a club, heels in my hands and I notice this car following me. I freak out, run into the middle of the road and flag down the first car I see. I blurt out that I'm being followed and can they take me home, I'm only round the corner. These guys are clearly also on their way home from a big night. They put me in the back seat of a 2-door car and as soon as the seat in front of me clicked into place, I thought, fuck, what have I done. Luckily, and I don't want to spoil the end of the story, they didn't kill me. What was I thinking??
5. What has surprised you the most during your career in comedy?
I guess... that it worked out. I didn't get into comedy to get anywhere. I just wanted to have fun, get stage time and it's a passion I've had since being a kid watching Eddie Murphy's Delirious. Sometimes I look back on what I've achieved - Two Apollo appearances, Stand Up For The Week, two Edinburgh shows and all that, and I think wow, you've been busy, girl. There's a lot of people who would love the breaks and opportunities that I've had and it reminds me to be grateful.
Interview continues here.