Ricky Gervais has talked about how he went from being a fan of David Bowie to being a friend.
Shortly after Gervais had hosted this year's Golden Globes the news broke that the rock star had died. The Hollywood Reporter spoke to Gervais about Bowie as he came to terms with the news, having initially wondered if it was a hoax: "Our relationship was bizarre and surreal, and I felt so privileged to know him. I never forgot he was my hero, even when he became my friend...He put my life in color....I loved everything he did. He never let me down, even at the end. I've never seen a more dignified ending."
Gervais recalled working with Bowie when he had a cameo in Extras. "I asked if he could do something retro, something like "Life on Mars?" He said [sarcastically], "Sure, I'll just knock off a quick little 'Life on Mars?' for you." We laughed. And then he came and did the show and gave us exactly what Bowie was."
Read the full story here.