And so it’s finally time to say goodbye to Andy and Errol in the last episode of the last series of Uncle. Sob. Reviewers have been asked not to reveal spoilers so I’m going to fight every journalistic fibre in my body and resist the urge to splurge.
Let’s just say that in The Last Assembly it looks like Andy (Nick Helm) is finally getting his big break with the chance of a European tour. The only trouble is that Errol can’t come because his GCSEs are approaching. Instead we get to see Andy attempting to bond with his bandmates, who include an old beanie-wearing adversary. There is maybe an echo of David Brent’s Life on the Road in the gig sequences, but thankfully only an echo. Andy, thanks to Helm’s performance, will always be more real and textured than David Brent.
Meanwhile back home Errol is about to hit his sixteenth birthday and is thinking about his own future. It’s been amazing to watch Errol, played by Elliot Speller-Gillott, grow up onscreen over the last few years. It is hard to believe that when the series started out Andy was his babysitter and in the current series they’ve both been hitting on the same woman. But that’s life for you. Nothing stays the same. Which is what stoner Andy has had to deal with.
Well done to everyone, from the cast to the writers Oliver Refson and Lilah Vandenburgh. As for Andy's sister Sam (Daisy Haggard) and Bruce (Daniel Lawrence Taylor) there are changes afoot in their life too. In fact there is a lot to cram into the final episode but it all gets tied up rather neatly. Maybe, just maybe, we have not seen the very last of Nick Helm’s Andy.
Available here from Sunday February 12 and on BBC1 on Feb 17 at 11.25pm.