Mindhorn’s creators, writers and stars Julian Barratt and Simon Farnaby and director Sean Foley have won the LOCO Discovery Award at the 6th LOCO London Comedy Film Festival,
Their film was recognised by the LOCO Discovery Award panel for its uncompromising ambition and success as a genuinely hilarious new comedy thriller.
On accepting the LOCO Discovery Award, Julian Barratt said: “This is an honour. It was a long road to get here, but it’s been really good working with Simon all these years. Although, we don’t talk anymore since making the film…”
Simon Farnaby said: “Thank you to Sean for directing our movie, STUDIOCANAL and everyone who has helped get the film onscreen - it’s been great.”
And Sean Foley added: “We’re bowled over, because it’s totally unexpected and we’re thrilled. Mindhorn really starts with Julian and Simon, who carried this little baby of theirs for a long time.”
Jonathan Wakeham, Programmer of the 6th LOCO London Comedy Film Festival said: “Mindhorn is an exciting indication of the direction of new British comedy filmmaking. The judging panel admired its courage in creating an original script and a new comedy character for a film with a wide release, as well as having a first time feature film director at the helm. The result is genuinely hilarious; a film made by brilliantly unique artists working on a grander scale, without compromising their artistic originality."
The other nominees for the LOCO Discovery Award were Mercedes Grower for her relationship comedy Brakes, and Harry Michell for his comedy about the trials of being a typecast actor Chubby Funny.
The winner of the short film category was Terri Matthews for The Wrong End of The Stick. Special shorts mention went to Gilliver Moore for Lucky Chicken.