Stand up Damian Kingsley says that he has been cautioned for being in breach of section 3 of the Private Security Industry Act 2001. He has recently been going around Fringe venues dressed as a security officer and helping out, while promoting his own show.
Kingsley said "I thought I was on reasonably safe ground but it turns out that you can’t just stand around on the door of official events, getting people to open their bags so you can put flyers in. People have been incredibly supportive except comic and ex-friend Alex Hilton, who was with me at the time and spent the duration of the arrest taking photos and the piss. The police were lovely about it and did see the funny side (which I didn’t at the time) but ultimately still had to enforce the law.”
Damian said “It’s time to hang up the security jacket now. It’s gone too far. It was funny at first and it’s nice to have been shortlisted for the Malcolm Hardee Cunning Stunt Award” but it’s gone a bit Donnie Brasco, with the staff at Edinburgh’s Monkey Barrel believing I work there and me doing actual shifts. I had to chuck someone out during the Andy Barr benefit and almost got punched in the face in the process. There were some great moments though. I think the highlight was talking to Daniel Kitson in character and telling him he was 'proper funny' and could probably do a set himself if he had a bit more confidence."
Beyond The Joke asked Kingsley if this story was true. As was pointed out when he posted the picture here on Facebook, the policeman does seem to be very young. Kingsley replied: "He genuinely is police. I don’t think anyone would impersonate a police officer (a far more serious crime) to help me with a silly prank."
Damian Kingsley’s show, Can’t Dance, Won’t Dance is on at Southside Social at 8.45pm. Information here.