Very nice work if you can get it. For Nish Kumar anyway. For Joel Dommett it is more painful.
In this new globetrotting series Joel Dommett and Nish Kumar travel the world visiting some of the toughest people on the planet to see if they can do what the locals do. Well, at least fitness obsessive Dommett does. Most of the time, judging from this first episode, Kumar stands around with his hands in his pockets laughing and/or offering a sarcastic commentary.
In the opening adventure-meets-travelogue the duo are in Mongolia visiting nomads and Dommett has to take on three challenges - wrestling, archery and horse riding. First up is the Sumo-ish fighting, and having donned the tightest of pants and having been bodyslammed by a 13-year-old he takes on some increasingly young opponents, but still can't quite crack it. Although it does sound as if he cracks a few bones as he hits to dust. "I've never felt less manly in my life," says the I'm A Celebrity breakout star.
Dommett is much better at chopping wood. And having removed his shirt to reveal the best six-pack in stand-up he grabs his axe and makes matchsticks of a few trees. The Mongolians need the wood because it is bitterly cold, but as Kumar points out, this doesn't stop manly Joel from removing his shirt wherever possible.
Kumar does join in with the archery and actually beats Dommett - who did hit the target with his very first shot but unfortunately for him, the cameras failed to capture the moment so we just have to take his word for it. In fairness to Kumar he also collects some frozen animal shit and does some throat singing so he is not as much of a malingerer as he initially seems. He just doesn't do much that requires fitness, bravery or shirtlessness.
Finally there is the horse-riding. Dommett has never done this before and is entertainingly petrified as he holds onto the reins for dear life. Will he finish the course? Will he be beaten by his three-year-old opponents? You'll have to watch to find out. It's worth tuning in though - Dommett and Kumar are real mates and it shows. They have a great rapport and are having such a good time it is infectious. I'm not saying I'm about to book a flight to Mongolia to wrestle a child, but I'll certainly be watching the rest of the series.
Joel & Nish Vs The World, Comedy Central UK, Mondays, from September 18, 9pm.