25/01/2018 Leamington, Spa Pavillion www.warwickdc.gov.uk/royalspacentre
26/01/2018 Leeds, City Varieties www.cityvarieties.co.uk
27/01/2018 Northampton, Theatre Royal www.royalandderngate.co.uk
02/02/2018 Tunbridge Wells, Trinity Theatre www.trinitytheatre.net
06/02/2018 Canterbury, Gulbenkian www.thegulbenkian.co.uk
07/02/2018 Brighton, Komedia SOLD OUT www.komedia.co.uk/brighton
08/02/2018 Lincoln, Engine Shed www.engineshed.co.uk
09/02/2018 Bristol, Redgrave EXTRA DATE! www.redgravetheatre.com
10/02/2018 Bristol, Redgrave SOLD OUT www.redgravetheatre.com
11/02/2018 Oxford, Glee www.glee.co.uk/comedy/oxford
13/02/2018 Bridport, The Electric Palace www.electricpalace.org.uk
15/02/2018 Leicester, Y Theatre www.leicesterymca.co.uk/theatre/whats-on
16/02/2018 Carlisle, Old Fire Station www.oldfirestation.carlisle.city
17/02/2018 Whitehaven, Rosehill Theatre www.rosehilltheatre.co.uk
18/02/2018 Edinburgh, The Stand SOLD OUT www.thestand.co.uk
19/02/2018 Glasgow, The Stand SOLD OUT www.thestand.co.uk
20/02/2018 Newcastle, The Stand SOLD OUT www.thestand.co.uk
21/02/2018 Sheffield, Memorial Hall www.sheffieldcityhall.co.uk
23/02/2018 Swindon, Arts Centre www.swindontheatres.co.uk
24/02/2018 Liverpool, Epstein Theatre EXTRA DATE! www.epsteinliverpool.co.uk
25/02/2018 Salford, Lowry SOLD OUT www.thelowry.com
27/02/2018 Norwich, Arts Centre SOLD OUT www.norwichartscentre.co.uk
28/02/2018 Aldershot, West End Centre SOLD OUT www.hampshireculturaltrust.org.uk
01/03/2018 Banbury, The Mill Arts Centre www.themillartscentre.co.uk
02/03/2018 Bath, Rondo SOLD OUT www.rondotheatre.co.uk
03/03/2018 Bath, Rondo SOLD OUT www.rondotheatre.co.uk
04/03/2018 Portsmouth, Wedgwood www.wedgewood-rooms.co.uk
06/03/2018 Exeter, Phoenix www.exeterphoenix.org.uk
08/03/2018 Maidenhead, Norden Farm Arts Centre www.norden.farm
09/03/2018 Hemel Hempstead, Old Town Hall SOLD OUT www.oldtownhall.co.uk
10/03/2018 Cambridge, Junction SOLD OUT www.junction.co.uk
11/03/2018 Salford, Lowry SOLD OUT www.thelowry.com
13/03/2018 Hemel Hempstead, Old Town Hall EXTRA DATE! www.oldtownhall.co.uk
14/03/2018 London, Leicester Square Theatre SOLD OUT www.leicestersquaretheatre.com
15/03/2018 London, Leicester Square Theatre SOLD OUT www.leicestersquaretheatre.com
16/03/2018 London, Leicester Square Theatre SOLD OUT www.leicestersquaretheatre.com
17/03/2018 London, Leicester Square Theatre SOLD OUT www.leicestersquaretheatre.com
18/03/2018 Cardiff, Glee Club SOLD OUT www.glee.co.uk
21/03/2018 Birmingham, Glee Club www.glee.co.uk
22/03/2018 Nottingham, Glee Club SOLD OUT www.glee.co.uk
24/03/2018 Salford, The Lowry www.thelowry.com
26/03/2018 Derby, Derby Theatre www.derbytheatre.co.uk
27/03/2018 Colchester, Arts Centre www.colchesterartscentre.com
28/03/2018 Cambridge, The Junction www.junction.co.uk
29/03/2018 Stockton, The Arc www.arconline.co.uk
30/03/2018 Durham, Gala Theatre www.galadurham.co.uk
31/03/2018 Milton Keynes, The Stables www.stables.org
03/04/2018 Norwich, Playhouse www.norwichplayhouse.co.uk
04/04/2018 Leamington, Spa Pavillion www.warwickdc.gov.uk/royalspacentre
05/04/2018 Cardiff, Glee www.glee.co.uk
07/04/2018 Potters Bar, Wyllyotts Theatre www.hertsmereleisure.co.uk/wyllyotts-theatre
08/04/2018 Basingstoke, Haymarket Theatre www.anvilarts.org.uk
10/04/2018 Maidstone, Hazlitt Theatre www.parkwoodtheatres.co.uk/Hazlitt-Theatre
11/04/2018 Frome, Cheese and Grain www.cheeseandgrain.com
12/04/2018 Oxford, Glee www.glee.co.uk
13/04/2018 Melton Mowbray, Melton Theatre www.meltontheatre.co.uk
14/04/2018 Horsham, Capital Theatre www.thecapitolhorsham.com
15/04/2018 Edinburgh, Royal Lyceum www.lyceum.org.uk
17/04/2018 Brighton, Komedia www.komedia.co.uk/brighton
18/04/2018 Bath, Komedia www.komedia.co.uk/bath
20/04/2018 Barnsley, Civic www.barnsleycivic.co.uk
24/04/2018 Nottingham, Playhouse Theatre www.nottinghamplayhouse.co.uk
25/04/2018 Coventry, Warwick Arts Centre www.warwickartscentre.co.uk
26/04/2018 London, Eventim Hammersmith Apollo PLUS WELSH SUPPORTwww.eventimapollo.com
04/05/2018 Machynlleth Comedy Festival www.machcomedyfest.co.uk