The aim is to set up as many comedy nights as possible throughout the UK with numerous promoters and comedians offering their support and valuable time to join in with the plight for the homeless. December 14th is the official date for the national event. However, many are running comedy gigs close to that date. Donations are to be given to local non-profit homeless charities in the towns/cities where the comedy nights are held.
The aim is to run The Homeless Support Project each year and grow the number of comedy nights and charities involved.
Lindsey Davies says: ‘We have to do everything we can to help those vulnerable and destitute in our society. The amount of people getting involved is beyond my initial expectations and I’m proud to be a part of such a wonderful, comedy community. The event would not happen without every-single promoter and comedian involved and I hold my hand out to them all with sincere gratitude. It won’t solve the problem but it will be a boost to so many non-profit charities who work so hard to help our Country’s homeless. Together, we need to pull together and do what our Government fails to do.’
For full details of the gigs taking part click here.