A few years ago Kayvan Novak seemed to be all over TV like a rash. Not just in prank shows such as Fonejacker and Facejacker but acting in comedies such as Inside No 9, Uncle and Rev. In this one-off he returns to what he made his name at, basically putting on ludicrous voices.
The Celebrity Voicemail Show started life on radio and this transfer has stayed pretty faithful to the concept. Basically we get the chance to listen to messages left on the phone of someone famous. In this case it is George Lucas, who has just checked into his hotel room while making Star Wars in 1976.
The difference is that we now see what is going on too, with Novak doing all the faces as well as the voices. If this becomes a series I'm going to buy shares in the prosthetics industry, because, boy, does he get through a lot of rubber, whether playing Sir Alec Guinness' (white) agent or a (black) security guard at Elstree studios. Though how a security guard would have a direct line to George Lucas is not made clear.
While there are lots of non-PC visual jokes - such as barely showing the top of the head of Kenny Baker, who played R2-D2 – it is sometimes the sight gags that make this stand out. During a call from the production office we see various props being carried in the background and, at one point, what looks like a light sabre fight run-through getting out of hand.
It's an interesting concept with a nice way of blurring fact and fiction. Alec Guinness was famously on a percentage of the film's profits, but on the other hand I don't think there was ever a plan for a Rick James-style theme tune entitled Space Funk. Or was there?
The result is a show that is cleverer than it initially seems and another great showcase for Kayvan Novak. Whether they could make a full TV series out of it I don't know. I'm not sure if the BBC could afford that much rubber.
Watch The Celebrity Voicemail Show here.