Well episode one certainly lived up to expectations and then some. I don't know about yours but when I looked on my Twitter feed the praise for the League of Gentlemen's return had broken my internet. So the second episode has a lot to live up to.
And while there isn't the excitement of seeing the grotesque gallery of Royston Vasey residents again for the first time in years there is still plenty to enjoy, including a new haunting bingo caller from Mark Gatiss. One returning favourite is earnest issue-based theatre-in-education group Legz Akimbo who reform for a self-referential reunion of their own, but as one would expect for this twisted series, with a twist.
Elsewhere Royston Vasey is facing a threat more terrible than anything it has faced before: boundary changes that will erase the town from the map forever. The fight to save the community from administrative annihilation comes from unexpected and surprising directions, all of them local. One thing I can't quite get over is how many characters Shearsmith, Pemberton and Gatiss squeeze in. You'd think the show had a cast of thousands, not three actors and a lot of wigs, not all of them pubic.
Among the other highlights in part two unlikely kidnappers Edward And Tubbs offer some thrills and chills and there is some real horror at the end. Reece Shearsmith's final expression when Benjamin morphs into Harvey will definitely give you nightmares. If the rest of the comically gruesome horror show going on here doesn't do that already.
The League Of Gentlemen, Episode 2, BBC2, Tuesday, December 19, 10pm.
Episode one review here.