Created, written by and starring Ford Kiernan and Greg Hemphill, each week Still Game visits the fictional Glasgow suburb of Craiglang where Jack, Victor and the rest of the gang show comedy fans exactly how to grow old disgracefully.
The last series of Still Game - which aired in 2016 - saw the comedy series build its ever growing fan base across the UK and became the most-watched, non-sporting programme in Scotland in over a decade and also scooped the Scottish Comedy Award and Celtic Media Award.
This new series sees the welcome return of best pals Jack and Victor alongside series favourites including Isa the gossip (played by Jane McCarry), Boabby the barman (Gavin Mitchell), Navid the shopkeeper (Sanjeev Kohli), one-legged Winston (Paul Riley), tight-fisted Tam (Mark Cox), as well as last series’ toothy new sensation, Methadone Mick (Scott Reid).
It also features the arrival of a new face in Craiglang, creepy undertaker Iain Duncan Sheathing. The living embodiment of the Grim Reaper, Sheathing is played by comedian Bruce Morton and makes his spine-chilling and unmissable debut in the second episode of this new series.
A touch of Hollywood glamour comes to Craiglang as American talk show sensation Craig Ferguson takes on the role of Callum - an old friend of Isa’s who returns to Scotland after a life in LA.
The new series finds laughter in makeshift living arrangements, death, steak pies, walking football, caravanning and Californian stunt men as the pensioner pals go about their everyday lives - with hilarious consequences.