The mockumentary format seems to be an established sitcom style now. I don't know if The Office was the first to do it - but the shadow of David Brent hangs heavy over this new series about the two titular builders from Stevenage, written by its stars Miles Chapman and Mark O'Sullivan.
This is not just a typical white van man-style lowest common denominator comedy though. While there are plenty of crude ITV1 jokes the script also hints at a deeper emotional bond below the surface (see also BBC Three's Young Offenders - there's also some crossover with that series here in the bad haircut department). Dean likes to write poetry and recites one about Lee to Lee's new gruesome loud girlfriend Nikki (Camille Ucan).
Which makes Lee feel particularly awkward when at Lee's birthday party – all curly sandwiches and Robbie Williams' Angels – it is accidentally announced that Lee and Nikki are getting engaged. This is very much the comedy of cringe full of uncomfortable looks to the camera and awkward, embarrassed dialogue. Particularly from a posh client Mrs Bryce-D'Souza, played by Anna Morris, who has taken a shine to Lee and pitches up at the party too.
It's observational humour at its most wince-inducing. There are some good jokes in there too - while doing the crossword they get the answer spectacularly wrong: "Three and three. Cambodian despot. Second letter 'O'." "Gok Wan.".
But then getting things wrong looks like being a theme of Lee & Dean. I'm not sure if I'd have them round to mine to put up a wall but I'm happy to see them on Friday nights at 10pm.
Lee & Dean, Fridays, C4, 10pm.