6. What do your parents/children (delete as applicable) think of your job?
My children think I make paper mache faces of their dad for my job.
7. What’s the worst thing about being a comedian?
Missing routine things about parenthood like dinnertime and the Cbeebies Bedtime Story.
Having to face kind people as you leave the venue after doing a show you weren’t satisfied
with. The shame.
8. I think you are very good at what you do (that’s why I’m asking these questions). What do you think of you?
I’m high pitched but learning to be okay with that. I take (good) direction well. I’m hopeful.
9. How much do you earn and how much would you like to earn?
Enough...and the fear of it not being enough is keeping it just enough. I would like to one day buy a crop top without extreme guilt.
10. How important is luck in terms of career success – have you had lucky breaks?
I got a massive lucky break very early on as an actress (editor elbows his way into the piece to say she was cast as Lavender Brown in Harry Potter) and that meant I was able to get into comedy a bit quicker and easier than I probably would have otherwise. I had a little but
immediate audience. Yes I do think luck plays a part.... but I think effort and timing are bigger factors in ultimate success.
11. Alan Davies has said that comedians fall into two categories - golfers and self-harmers. The former just get on with life, the latter are tortured artists. Which are you – or do you think you fit into a third category?
Some people (who’ve seen early previews of my shows when I was raw-er) would say the latter but I am petitioning for the former. I try not to wallow for too long, make sense of
things and then let them go. Obviously, I fail a lot a this but I TRY.
12. Who is your favourite person ever and why – not including family or friends or other comedians?
Does Graham Norton count? I think he seems like the nicest man... I love him a bit. Okay if he doesn’t count... the doctor who broke my waters (which led to the best things in my life.)
13. Do you keep your drawers tidy and if not why not? (please think long and hard about this question, it's to settle an argument with my girlfriend. The future of our relationship could depend on your response).
No! I don’t keep the inside of drawers tidy. WHY WOULD YOU IF YOU CAN’T SEE INSIDE???? but I do keep everything else tidy to a standard just below anal psychopath.
Jessie Cave: Sunrise is at The Stand from August 1 - 26. Buy tickets here.