You might recognise William Andrews from his brief appearances alongside Alan Partridge and in Him & Her. And if you like serious drama you may have spotted him in a straight role in Broadchurch. Or you may know him for the clip that went viral recently in which his son accidentally delivers an inspired poem about being stung by nettles. He is now back in Edinburgh doing what he does best, being very silly, stupid and funny. We've heard good things about this show. You'd be a fool not to catch this fool.
William Andrews: Willy is at Pleasance Couryard August 1 - 26. Tickets here.
1. What is the last thing you do before you go on stage (apart from check your flies and/or check your knickers aren't sticking out of your skirt and check for spinach between your teeth)?
I tend to go for an out of body experience where i float up above myself and doubt every life choice I’ve ever made. I'm traditional like that. I love performing - but the agony of self doubt is something that will always be there somewhere in the background like the buzz of a strimmer on a summer’s day.
2. What irritates you?
People who prefix their poorly formed small minded opinion with “I’m sorry but…”.
Why are you apologising? What makes you think your approval is so important as to require an apology when you withdraw it? Respectfully, I would just rather you got into this bin, set it on fire and roll down the street in the direction of the quarry. Sorry.
3. What is the most dangerous thing you have ever done?
I once slapped the DJ Carl Cox on the ass while dressed in a pink Ball gown. Thankfully his security seemed more bemused than infuriated although I was still bodily thrown onto the street, and quite right too.
4. What is the most stupid thing you have ever done?
Ah man, there’s a list. I once screw fixed my finger to a plank - that wasn’t super smart. Oh! I once pooed in a toilet that wasn’t connected to anything - I mean it was effectively a porcelain chair. There was a very angry Greek builder who had questions, that in my inebriated state I felt unable to answer. Sometimes actions are louder than words.
5. What has surprised you the most during your career in comedy?
That anyone does it… It’s so brutal in a way. I mean it depends on how you look at it - it’s either a bunch of mentally compromised chuckle junkies blindly marching towards obscurity and a paupers grave, or it’s a constellation of peculiarly enlightened people who noticed that laughter is at once life giving and also an amazing mechanism by which we can understand our essential selves. That and just how nice Nick Helm is.
Interview continues here.