The first episode of the fourth series of this sitcom is pretty much business as usual - ie life in the Thompson household is as chaotic as ever. But things are looking up. Ken (Greg Davies) is nominated for Lawyer of the Year, while idiot boy Dale (Taylor Lautner) is looking for a respectable job so that he can marry Ken's daughter Rachel (Esther Smith).
Of course, things are never that simple in Kieran Quirke and Robin French's amiably anarchic take on the domestic sitcom – domcom? – format. Ken's prestigious nomination is hardly a biggie - it's actually for Lichfield Lawyer of the Year. And Dale's attempts at networking to kickstart his career are nearly scuppered when he poses as a painted living statue and nearly dies when he "does a Goldfinger" (Bond fans will get the reference).
Also in the mix is Ken's nemesis/dotty/irritating neighbour Steve (Kenneth Collard) who has decided to open a crazee cocktail bar with a crazee name. If the drinks don't kill you they will certainly knock you out. But first he has to get a license, which involves a cut for the local council. Oh, and he is also moonlighting for Uber with a hotplate in the back of his car for passengers who want an omelette on the go. As you do.
You may well wonder how Ken's wife Lorna (Helen Baxendale) puts up with this insanity. You might also wonder why BBC Three has re-commissioned this series when they axed Uncle with Nick Helm. I certainly did. Davies is not as wonderfully mental here as he is in C4's superior Man Down. And it looks a little on the cheap side. There's a scene in a car where the green screen/back projection/whatever looks so tackily unconvincing it must surely be intentional.
But I guess Davies is hot property at the moment with his stand-up career and Taskmaster both going great guns. And it's a bit of a coup having Twilight werewolf Taylor Lautner in a British sitcom. There's a lovely La La Land-style opening dance number too. All this really needs is a few more laughs.
Watch the whole series now here or on BBC One on Mondays from August 6 at 10.45pm.