News: New Stand Up Show for BBC Wales

News: Lockdown Comedy Night Raises £100,000 For Charity

BBC Wales is to air a new stand up show. Four programmes are being made - three episodes in English and one in Welsh.

All of the Englsh language shows will be compered by Kiri Pritchard-McLean, but the line-ups are still under wraps. The Welsh language edition will be headlined by Tudur Owen and hosted by Steffan Alun.

The programmes are being put together by comedy producers Little Wander Ltd, who put on the Machynlleth Comedy Festival and other gigs, and Turtle Canyon Comedy. They are being filmed at the BBC Studios in Llandaff on Septembe 10 & 11. Tickets are free. Here are details of how to apply.

10th September Tickets

We will record two English language episodes back-to-back on this night from 7pm, with an interval. Ticket holders are expected to be present at both recordings and we should be finished by approximately 10pm.

To attend this recording click here.

11th September Tickets

There will be an English language recording at 7pm, and a Welsh language recording starting at approximately 8:30pm on this night. Our ideal audience member for this night would be bi-lingual and want to come to both recordings, but we will be doing an audience refresh between recordings so you are more than welcome to just come for one of the shows.

To attend both English and Welsh language recordings click here.

To attend just the English language recording click here.

To attend just the Welsh language recording click here.

More info about attending here.



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