This is one of those reviews that isn't quite a review. This special extended one-off of This Country is now available on iPlayer but it also airs on BBC One – yes, BBC One – on Saturday night, so I don't want give away too many spoilers. I will say though, that it is utterly inspired.
The Aftermath picks up the Cotswold village action seven months after the dramatic finale of the last series when Kerry Mucklowe became embroiled in the dodgy hoover activities of her dad Martin. Her father was sent to prison while Kerry got off with a community service sentence - you'll have to watch to find out exactly what that means, but The Cat in the Hat is involved.
Kerry's cousin Lee "Kurtan" Mucklowe's account the trial is one of the highlights of the episode, if not the year, The court artist's pictures are priceless. The phrase "shaved worm" has stuck in my head ever since.
We also get to learn a bit more about Martin's past, in the biker gang Satan's Fingers. No that the revelations show him in a particularly good light. Handling stolen goods might be the least of his vices. Kerry might finally be seeing what her father is really like, comparing him to Henry VIII - suggesting that maybe Henry was the one who had a screw lose, not his wives.
Writers/stars/real-life siblings Daisy May Cooper and Charlie Cooper are terrific as Kerry and Kurtan. They write and deliver brilliantly smutty, eminently quotable lines that are positively Chaucerian in the vulgarity. But respect should also go to the whole cast, particularly Paul Chahidi as caring ex-boy band wannabe Reverend Seaton. Hopefully we haven't seen the last of this bunch.
Watch here.