Shappi Khorsandi Tour 2019
Wednesday 20th February Leicester, Sue Townsend Theatre HYPERLINK "http://www.comedy-festival.co.uk" www.comedy-festival.co.uk0116 456 6812
Saturday 23rd February Lincoln, Performing Arts Centre HYPERLINK "http://www.lpac.co.uk" www.lpac.co.uk01522 837600
Sunday 24th February Nottingham, Glee Club HYPERLINK "http://www.glee.co.uk" www.glee.co.uk0871 472 0400
Thursday 28th February Monmouth, Savoy Theatre HYPERLINK "http://www.monmouth-savoy.co.uk" www.monmouth-savoy.co.uk01600 772467
Saturday 9th March Maidenhead, Norden Farm Centre HYPERLINK "http://www.norden.farm" www.norden.farm01628 788997
Sunday 10th March Bristol, Old Vic HYPERLINK "http://www.bristololdvic.org.uk" www.bristololdvic.org.uk 0117 987 7877
Friday 15th March Northampton, Royal & Derngate HYPERLINK "http://www.royalandderngate.co.uk" www.royalandderngate.co.uk01604 624811
Sunday 17th March Southampton, NST City Campus HYPERLINK "http://www.nstheatres.co.uk" www.nstheatres.co.uk023 8067 1771
Sunday 24th March Newcastle, The Stand HYPERLINK "http://www.thestand.co.uk" www.thestand.co.uk0191 300 9700
Thursday 28th March Liverpool, Epstein Theatre HYPERLINK "http://www.epsteinliverpool.co.uk" www.epsteinliverpool.co.uk 0844 888 4411
Friday 29th March Leeds, City Varieties HYPERLINK "http://www.cityvarieties.co.uk" www.cityvarieties.co.uk 0113 2430808
Wednesday 3rd April Salford, The Lowry Quay Theatre HYPERLINK "http://www.thelowry.com" www.thelowry.com0843 208 6000
Saturday 6th April Birmingham, Old Rep Theatre HYPERLINK "http://www.oldreptheatre.co.uk" www.oldreptheatre.co.uk 0121 359 9444
Sunday 7th April Cardiff, Glee Club HYPERLINK "http://www.glee.co.uk" www.glee.co.uk0871 472 0400
Thursday 18th April South Molton, The Plough @ The George HYPERLINK "http://www.theploughartscentre.org.uk" www.theploughartscentre.org.uk 01805 624624
Friday 19th April Torrington, Plough Arts HYPERLINK "http://www.theploughartscentre.org.uk" www.theploughartscentre.org.uk 01805 624624
Saturday 20th April Lynton, Lynton Town Hall HYPERLINK "http://www.theploughartscentre.org.uk" www.theploughartscentre.org.uk 01805 624624
Friday 26th April Aldershot, West End Centre HYPERLINK "http://www.westendcentre.co.uk/"www.westendcentre.co.uk01252 330040
Saturday 27th April Isle of Wight, Medina TheatreHYPERLINK "http://www.medinatheatre.co.uk/"www.medinatheatre.co.uk 01983 823884
Friday 3rd May Reading, South Street HYPERLINK "http://www.readingarts.com" www.readingarts.com 0118 960 6060
Sunday 5th May Coventry, Warwick Arts CentreHYPERLINK "http://www.warwickartscentre.co.uk/"www.warwickartscentre.co.uk 024 7652 4524
Wednesday 8th May Norwich, Playhouse HYPERLINK "http://www.norwichplayhouse.co.uk" www.norwichplayhouse.co.uk 01603 598598
Thursday 9th May Norwich, Playhouse HYPERLINK "http://www.norwichplayhouse.co.uk" www.norwichplayhouse.co.uk 01603 598598
Thursday 16th May Chorley, Little Theatre HYPERLINK "http://www.chorleylittletheatre.com" www.chorleylittletheatre.com 01257 264362
Friday 17th May Kendal, Brewery Arts HYPERLINK "http://www.breweryarts.co.uk" www.breweryarts.co.uk 01539 725 133
Sunday 19th May Colchester, Arts Centre HYPERLINK "http://www.colchesterartscentre.com" www.colchesterartscentre.com 01206 500900
Wednesday 22nd May Tring, Court Theatre HYPERLINK "http://www.courttheatre.co.uk" www.courttheatre.co.uk
Sunday 26th May Cambridge, Junction HYPERLINK "http://www.junction.co.uk" www.junction.co.uk 01223 511 511
Saturday 1st June Andover The LightsHYPERLINK "http://www.thelights.org.uk/"www.thelights.org.uk 01264 368368
Sunday 2nd June Maidstone, Hazlitt TheatreHYPERLINK "http://www.parkwoodtheatres.co.uk/Hazlitt-Theatre%20/"www.parkwoodtheatres.co.uk 01622 758611
Sunday 9th June Shrewsbury, Severn Theatre HYPERLINK "http://www.theatresevern.co.uk" www.theatresevern.co.uk01743 281 281
Thursday 13th June Crawley, Hawth HYPERLINK "http://www.parkwoodtheatres.co.uk/The-Hawth"www.parkwoodtheatres.co.uk 01293 553636
Saturday 15th June Milton Keynes, Stables HYPERLINK "http://www.stables.org" www.stables.org 01908 280800
Sunday 16th June Swindon, Arts Centre HYPERLINK "http://www.swindontheatres.co.uk" www.swindontheatres.co.uk 01793 524 481
Wednesday 19th June Brighton, Komedia HYPERLINK "http://www.komedia.co.uk/brighton" www.komedia.co.uk/brighton 01273 647100
Friday 21st June Hull, Truck Theatre HYPERLINK "http://www.hulltruck.co.uk" www.hulltruck.co.uk 01482 323638
Thursday 27th June Bury St Edmunds, The Apex HYPERLINK "http://www.theapex.co.uk" www.theapex.co.uk01284 758 000
Friday 28th June Hertford, Hertford Theatre HYPERLINK "http://www.hertfordtheatre.com" www.hertfordtheatre.com 01992 531500