Has Billy Connolly definitely retired from live performance?
It has been reported that he told the Radio Times that he would not be performing live any more.
However, in an interview in the Times last week to promote his new ITV series Billy Connolly’s Ultimate World Tour he said that he would no longer be touring. The Times interview floated the suggestion that while he would not tour again a one-off gig at somewhere like the 02 Arena might be a possibility.
This is not the first time there have been mixed messages recently regarding the pioneering stand-up. In interviews this week he has also scotched stories about his ill-health following Michael Parkinson's comments earlier this year that Connolly didn't recognise him at the GQ Awards.
“He thought I’d lost track, mentally, but I never remember what year anything was,” Connolly told the Radio Times. “These Yorkshiremen, I don’t think they apologise much. I wasn’t disappointed, it just made my life a bit difficult. People feeling sorry for me, I don’t like that.”
Billy Connolly’s Ultimate World Tour, ITV1, December 13.
Picture: ITV.