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News: Double Christmas Day Release For Brendon Burns

Edinburgh Comedy Award winning, high concept, genre-redefining pioneer and comedy legend Brendon Burns is to release his eighth and ninth comedy specials on Amazon Prime on Christmas Day. Shot in black and white and filmed in a disused night club, both specials were taped and cut from the final night of Burns’ total sell out Outside the Box secret location tour back in 2015. 

In Selfies in the Grand Canyon Burns takes on “the great British sense of humour”, the age of the selfie, how political correctness is actually the new racism. And, above all, how all of the above may have ruined his beloved art form forever. Burns played the show in locations across the UK including a zoo after hours, a comic book store, a fan’s house, a primary school gymnasium, and here in a disused bar, beneath some scaffolding, closed for reconstruction in Manchester.

In Spray-Painting F*** Off on a Dead Wombat the viewer gets an even greater feel of the grungy tour’s live experience. Including outtakes, interactions with the audience and other material that couldn’t quite fit into the running theme of Selfies. Also including a blistering opening ten from support act John Hastings, chat about rehab from taking too many mushrooms and a Trump/Hillary bit which, with the gift of hindsight, turns out to be quite wrong.

Selfies in the Grand Canyon and Spray Painting F*** Off on a Dead Wombat will be available to stream live and free on Amazon Prime on Christmas Day in the US, Japan and across the UK and the EU

Brendon Burns Picture: Steve Ullathorne


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