Irish comedian Al Porter has confirmed that a story (see below) that has been circulating in WhatsApp groups that he has commited suicide is a cruel hoax and not a genuine report. It has not actually appeared on the Mirror website and is nothing to do with the Mirror.*
Posting on Facebook Porter wrote: "So, this has been sent to family and friends of mine today.
This is a fake news article that’s doing the rounds in WhatsApp groups. Many friends of mine were extremely worried and calling around to find out if it was real. It’s happened before and my sister had to call someone because she was worried sick it might be true.
It’s not. I’m here, I’m a young man and I will live a long happy life, being the best I can be, for many years to come.
The sick part of this is I know many people who have taken their own lives. It’s beyond tragic and is a deep sadness that has visited far too many families in Ireland. And too often it’s young men, men my age, maybe men with depression, like I have. When I was doing shows I donated many of my fees to Pieta House and tried to be open about how even someone literally living for laughter like me, could also be followed by the black dog.
I know I’m not perfect. I know I’m flawed, like us all. I have listened to the criticisms since 2017. I continue to work on being the kindest and best version of myself I can be. Still, Ive received all kinds of abuse online and I take it.
But not this. It’s wrong and is hurting my family.
To those who made this fake: If you want to do something worthwhile on your phone that isn’t spreading vile rumor and gossip donate to Pieta House.
To donate €2 text PIETA to 50300
PS I’m still here and I’m still smiling. Thank you to everyone for their support"
*The Irish Mirror has issued the following statement: "We want to clarify that the fake news article concerning the death of Al Porter circulating on social media was not published by the Irish Daily Mirror or irishmirror.ie. We have no association with this story whatsever. Our masthead has been misappropriated by whoever published this false article. This article was not published by Irish Mirror or any of our titles. It has nothing to do with us."
- Irish Mirror team.