News: Jack Dee – Agony Aunt

Jack Dee

Jack Dee is developing a new show in which he offers to solve the problems of his fans. Jack Dee's Helpdesk will be tried out downstairs at the Soho Theatre from May 6 - 10. The press information, however, suggests that this might not be the place to head if you genuinely have a serious issue: "Got a problem? Need a sympathetic ear? Jack and his panel of experts are here to help. Whether it’s relationships, career advice, personal worries or something as simple as how to tell your emotionally stunted in-laws you no longer want them in your life. Come along and share your troubles with Jack – and in no way have them ridiculed in front of a live audience." In other words if you think sarcastic, sneery put-downs will solve your crisis snap up a ticket quick. And if you have a problem already you can send it to Jack via @JackDeeHelpDesk


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