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New Interview: Katherine Ryan: Page 2 of 2

BTJ: How about the issue of the BBC saying they will always have a woman on panel shows. Could we end up with token women?

KR: It's a double-edged sword. Lately all the hairs have been standing up on my neck, but then what else would you expect from a hysterical woman? I try to be calm before I act. What I get from all of it is that there are so many women doing such inspiring, amazing things, I'm comfortable with the knowledge that it is changing. It's exciting to be part of a revolution. 

BTJ: I guess it is having a four-year-old daughter that made you want to address the issue of women's roles in your new show?

KR: I met a woman from Nuts at Bafta and she said something about how everyone should just be able to do whatever they want. Me too, the trouble is millions of women don't have that right.  When I see things like Miley Cyrus who doesn't just pose as a sexual being but with teddy bears we have to turn to someone like Beyoncé who owns her sexuality. That is a more inspiring image in the music industry.

I called my show Glam Role Model because I am intrigued by the prevalence of glamour models in your country. They are some of the only women I see on television sometimes. But I do think there is a shift to see women move from glam to role models. Authors and columnists are writing shows and there are people like Grace Dent and Caitlin Moran. Authentic powerful voices. It is my responsibility to put myself on the line. I just feel I have a responsibility to take comedy and give it a bit more balls. Women should be able to do what they want, but they can't. Wouldn't it be wonderful if they could?

Watch Katherine Ryan on Live at the Apollo



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