Update 15/5: The police have dropped their investigation below. A statement said: "Having reviewed the comments made, we do not consider that a criminal threshold has been met and as such we will be taking no further action."
ITV has reported that Danny Baker is being investigated by police over the tweet that resulted in him being sacked by the BBC.
A Metropolitan Police statement read: "An allegation has been received by the Metropolitan Police Service on Thursday May 9 in relation to a tweet published on the May 8."
"As is routine, the allegation will be reviewed and assessed by specialist officers."
On Friday Baker issued a formal apology on Twitter as follows:
"Good morning, everyone. Following one of the worst days of my life I just want to formally apologise for the outrage I caused and explain how I got myself into this mess. I chose the wrong photo to illustrate a joke. Disastrously so.
In attempting to lampoon privilege & the news cycle I went to a file of goofy pictures & saw the chimp dressed as a Lord and thought, "That's the one!" Had I kept searching I might have chosen General Tom Thumb or even a a baby in a crown. But I didn't. God knows I wish had.
Minutes later I was alerted by followers that this royal baby was of course mixed race and waves of panic and revulsion washed over me. Fuck, what had I done? I needed no lessons on the centuries slurs equating simians and people of colour. Racism at it's basest.
More here.