Josie Long Tour Dates
17th January 2020 Cambridge, Cambridge Junction
www.junction.co.uk / 01223 511511
23rd January 2020 Coventry, Warwick Arts Centre
www.warwickartscentre.co.uk / 02476 524524
25th January 2020 Folkestone, Folkestone Quarterhouse
www.creativefolkestone.org.uk / 01303 760 740
30th & 31st January 2020 Oxford, Arts at the Old Fire Station
www.oldfirestation.org.uk / 01865 263 990
1st February 2020 Norwich, Norwich Playhouse
www.norwichplayhouse.co.uk / 01603 598598
2nd February 2020 Nottingham, Nottingham Playhouse
www.nottinghamplayhouse.co.uk / 0115 941 9419
5th February 2020 Crawley, The Hawth
www.parkwoodtheatres.co.uk / 01293 553636
8th February 2020 Manchester, Dancehouse
www.thedancehouse.co.uk / 0161 832 1111
9th February 2020 Sheffield, The Leadmill
www.leadmill.co.uk / 0114 2727 040
12th February 2020 Aldershot, West End Centre
www.westendcentre.co.uk / 01252 330040
13th February 2020 Leicester, Y Theatre
www.leicesterymca.co.uk / 0116 255 7066
16th February 2020 Glasgow, The Stand
www.thestand.co.uk / 0141 212 3389
17th February 2020 Newcastle, The Stand
www.thestand.co.uk / 0191 300 9700
20th February 2020 Bath, Komedia
www.komedia.co.uk / 01273 647100
21st February 2020 Great Torrington, Plough Arts
www.theploughartscentre.org.uk / 01805 624624
22nd February 2020 Worthing, Pavilion Theatre
25th February 2020 Birmingham, Birmingham Old Rep
www.oldreptheatre.co.uk / 0121 359 9444
28th February 2020 Hertford, Herford Theatre
www.hertfordtheatre.com / 01992 531500
29th February 2020 Reading, Reading Concert Hall
www.readingarts.com / 0118 960 6060
1st March 2020 Leeds, Leeds City Varieties
www.cityvarieties.co.uk / 0113 243 0808
5th March 2020 Liverpool, Epstein Theatre
www.epsteinliverpool.co.uk / 0844 888 4411
6th March 2020 Kendal, Brewery Arts
www.breweryarts.co.uk / 01539 725133
8th March 2020 Northampton, Royal Theatre
www.royalcourttheatre.com / 020 7565 5000
12th March 2020 Shrewsbury, Theatre Severn
www.theatresevern.co.uk / 01743 281281
14th March 2020 London, Blackheath Halls
www.blackheathhalls.com / 020 8463 0100
19th March 2020 Lincoln, Engine Shed
www.engineshed.co.uk / 0871 220 0260
20th March 2020 Matlock Bath, Grand Pavilion
www.thegrandpavilion.co.uk / 01629 584675
9th May 2020 Tiverton, Comedy Hall
www.comedyhall.co.uk / 07931 151545
10th May Bristol Old Vic
www.bristololdvic.org.uk / 0117 987 7877
16th May Winchester, Theatre Royal
www.theatreroyalwinchester.co.uk / 01962 840 440
17th May 2020 Canterbury, Gulbenkian
www.thegulbenkian.co.uk / 01227 769075
12th June Bromsgrove, Artrix
www.artrix.co.uk / 01527 577330
13th June Lancaster, The Dukes
www. dukes-lancaster.org / 01524 598500
Further dates will be added in the Autumn.