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News: Scottish Tour For Frankie Boyle

Frankie Boyle is to tour Scotland for the first time in a decade. The show will offload his sense of mounting horror at the state of the world and will include some of the best bits from his recent Prometheus albums. 

The shows will accompany Frankie’s upcoming BBC show Frankie Boyle’s Tour of Scotland.

“I’m looking forward to touring Scotland properly for the first time in over a decade,” says Frankie. “In a lot of farther-flung places in Scotland people are guarded at first, but as soon as they get to know you they really hate you.”

Frankie Boyle is one of the UK’s premier comedians and writers. Known for his shows New World Order (BBC2), Tramadol Nights (Ch4), his best-selling DVDs, and the Netflix Special Hurt Like You’ve Never Been Loved, he has also penned three best-selling books. In 2018 Frankie wrote and presented the highly acclaimed documentary Frankie Goes to Russia for the BBC, before the Russian World Cup. He also regularly contributes articles for the broadsheet press, and has topped the podcast charts with the first three volumes of his eight-volume sequence The Promethiad. 



Wednesday, 21st Aug AYR, Gaiety Theatre SOLD OUT

Tuesday, 27th Aug ABERDEEN, His Majesty’s Theatre SOLD OUT

Wednesday, 28th Aug ABERDEEN, His Majesty’s Theatre www.aberdeenperformingarts.com


Monday, 2nd Sep OBAN, Corran Halls https://liveargyll.co.uk

Thursday, 12th Sep EDINBURGH, Playhouse www.atgtickets.com

Friday, 13th Sep EDINBURGH, Playhouse www.atgtickets.com

Sunday, 15th Sep GLASGOW, King’s Theatre www.atgtickets.com

Thursday, 19th Sep GLASGOW, King’s Theatre www.atgtickets.com

Friday, 20th Sep GLASGOW, King’s Theatre www.atgtickets.com

Saturday, 21st Sep GLASGOW, King’s Theatre www.atgtickets.com


Tuesday, 1st Oct GLASGOW, King’s Theatre SOLD OUT

Wednesday, 2nd Oct DUNDEE, CAIRD HALL www.leisureandculturedundee.com


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