Glenn Moore picked up an Edinburgh Comedy Award nomination last year for Glenn Glenn Glenn, How Do You Like It, How Do You Like It. The title also meant I had an Andrea True Connection-shaped earworm in my head for most of August 2018. Now with Love Don't Live Here Glenny Moore he might pick up an award nod again. and I've got a Rose Royce-shaped earworm in my head this time round.
If you want to see a show with more gags than you can shake a stick at this is clearly the one for you. From the title to the final pithy pay-off the quips come so thick and fast it is sometimes hard to keep up. Moore is a comedy craftsman (or should that be crafts-something else? Buy a ticket to find out what) par excellence, seeding callbacks early on and watching them bloom as the set progresses.
The loose narrative is Moore's account of his time working as a radio announcer. There is a nice critique of the banality of local broadcasting and a delicious skewering of his amdram-loving boss Wesley (I assume names have been changed, but maybe not).
While Moore is quick to poke fun at others, this is not particularly high status stand-up. The other narrative strand involves his flailing middle class attempts at romance. He is first in the queue when it comes to mocking Glenn Moore, from his bourgeois background to his penchant for boring clothes. Given his fondness for cardigans and his riff referencing people shortening their names maybe he should bill himself as Cardi G.
All of these stories are really just excuses, of course, to pile on the puns and the funnies. Not so much a laugh-a-minute show as a laugh-a-second show. Blink and you'll probably mix six punchlines.
Now, does anyone know a doctor who can cure earworms?
Glenn Moore: Love Don't Live Here Glenny Moore is at the Pleasance Courtyard until August 25. Tickets and info here.
Read a very funny interview with Glenn Moore here.
Read more Edinburgh Fringe reviews here.