Lettings agency sitcom Stath Lets Flats returns to C4 on Monday 19th August at 10pm on Channel 4. In this interview below the brains behind the hit series Jamie Demetriou talks about the show.
Stath Lets Flats is back, for those who missed it what is the show about?
It’s a comedy about a family run lettings agency. Some flat tours. Some idiots. Some emotional chats. And a lot of people drinking water.
Where do we pick things up in series 2?
Stath is trying to hold his own now that his dad has taken a step back, allowing rival agent Julian to run the day to day. Julian is making big changes to try and improve the company, while Stath is keen to ensure it continues to be the low quality business he knows and loves. Sophie is moving on. Now focussing on a singing career with her friend Katia, having given up on the office-tissue, Al.
How did you find writing series two? Was it easier, because you had all the characters established, or more difficult?
Writing character was definitely a lot easier and more enjoyable. Writing story felt harder. I wanted to improve on the things I wasn’t so keen on in series one, but it’s hard to know how different you can make things without accidentally removing something positive.
Are any of the scenes based on real-life experiences?
There’s a bit in this series where I put my head in my hands. I did that once in 2010.
Are there any new characters in this series?
Later in the series, yes there is! I will keep them under wraps. But I will say that my goddaughter Martha and her mum and dad are in it, as is my flatmate Olly. There’s also an ep where I show all the actors from Avengers: Endgame around a really nice 6 bed. Such an unfunny episode, but we needed to get the viewing figures up. Ruffalo does say something quite funny about square meters, too, but it’s off camera. Listen out!
Do you like performing your own sitcom, or is it too stressful to actually enjoy?
The shoot is unquestionably the best bit. I sometimes wish I didn’t have rewrites to do in the evenings/on weekends/lunchbreaks, but I find the performance side of things very cathartic. The first day of the shoot is often the moment everything starts to make sense.
You are executive producer on the show as well as writing and starring. Does it ever feel like too much?
Yes. But I’d be sad if it were any other way. I also have an amazing team around me. Lucky for me Seb Barwell (Producer) and Tom Kingsley (Director) are there basically every step of the way, holding my hand and head.
When do you get most nervous? Before filming, before the previews, before it transmits?
During the edit and before it airs would be the most nerve-wracking, yes. By the end of the edit you worry you’ve lost perspective about what works, so putting it on telly feels mad. I spend a lot of time distracting myself - quietly rearranging my fridge, muttering.
How do you find watching yourself?
I’m answering these questions while in the edit, watching back takes of myself with my eyes closed.
What is like filming the house viewings? Any funny stories?
Very enjoyable. The story often tells itself in those scenes so I can go a bit more off script. The only story off the top of my head - One owner asked if they could get a photo, after I said yes, they got out their SLR and led me to the loft where they proceeded to do a full photo shoot.
How was it working with you sister Natasia again?
Lovely. Always lovely. A dream. I think she’s amazing in this series.
Did your dad come on set again this series? Has he made it into series 2?
No and no. He did too much mingling when he came in series 1.
Interview supplied by C4