News: Taskmaster – The Board Game

News: Taskmaster – The Board Game

It was only a matter of time, and now following the launch of the 9th series of Taskmaster, the hit TV show featuring host Greg Davies as the Taskmaster and his assistant and show creator Alex Horne, Taskmaster The Board Game from Ginger Fox arrives in stores this month.

Replicating some of the challenging and frankly bonkers tasks from the show but also introducing tasks written exclusively for the game by Alex Horne, Taskmaster the Board Game includes its own fold-out Taskmaster house board complete with Garden, Kitchen, Lab and Living Room task zones. Taking it in turns to assume the role of Taskmaster, 3+ players aged 8+ have to complete a series of ludicrous tasks earning as many points as possible to become the ultimate Taskmaster champion!

The 200 task cards feature wild and wacky timed challenges including: Make Something Beautiful Out Of A Teabag; Guess What The Taskmaster’s Favourite Thing Is To Do In The Garden; Take It In Turns To Throw Something Spherical Through The Taskmaster’s Human Basketball Hoop or Draw Yourself A Tattoo. Most Artistic Tattoo Wins.

Complete with task cards, game board, rules sheet, scoreboard playing pieces, perforated paper slips, Taskmaster trophy and wipe-clean pen, the game includes secret tasks challenging players to go undetected and exclusive video tasks from Alex Horne! Buy here.


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