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TV Review: Dave Gorman: Terms And Conditions Apply

Tv Review: Dave Gorman: Terms And Conditions Apply*

It's always a good thing to see Dave Gorman back on our television screens whatever he is up to. And it is fair to say that his new show Terms And Conditions Apply is different to his last show on the Dave Channel, the brilliant Modern Life Goodish. And a bit similar too. And not just because in the opening episode he is wearing one of his many checked shirts.

Where Modern Life Is Goodish drilled down into a single theme each week – much as Gorman's acclaimed solo live shows do – Terms And Conditions... is a quirky panel show, complete with guests and winners. Though as with a few panel shows these days if the host didn't say who was winning each time a round ended I'm not sure if I'd be able to work it out. The aim often seems to be the wittiest, not the rightest.

Sara Barron, Phil Wang and Richard Osman are up against each other in the first show. The format finds Gorman doing what his previous show did at times, truffling around in the small print and weirder recesses of the internet and daytime/late night television to find odd adverts or odd things in websites (what to do with Lynx antiperspirant, what not to do with WD40...) or odd things in programmes. If that sounds a bit like TV Burp it very much isn't, apart from a made-up showbizzy jingle about lamps which is quite TV Burp.

Instead Gorman shows things on his trademark screen and chats to his guests. Sometimes it does not necessarily feel as if he is setting up a question, more that he is setting up a scenario where a guest can come up with an entertaining quip. So at the start, for example, the panel has to work out the missing questions on the FAQS pages of various products. Elsewhere it goes all Blankety Blank on us as Barron, Wang and Osman have to fill in the gaps in passages from various autobiographies.

It's never less than amusing and the show comes into its own during a section on infomercials where we see a shovel put to some rather violent use. There's also a nice visual gag involving a sticks-anything product which Osman immediately wants to buy (me too). 

If there is a niggle it's just that this doesn't feel as original as Modern Life Is Goodish. But then it's hard to be original with panel show formats. The checkshirted star, however, is the epitome of a witty, genial host putting everyone at ease and his guests quickly hit their stride. You can be sure if Gorman is involved in something it's going to be fun and it certainly is.

Dave Gorman: Terms And Conditions Apply, Mondays at 10pm on Dave from October 21.



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