Video: Watch Omid Djalili At The 2019 TEDSummit

Watch footage of a set performed by Omid Djalili at the 2019 TEDSummit. 

Omid’s set was filmed at this year’s TEDSummit in Edinburgh at the end of July, which saw more than 1,000 member of the TED community gathered for five days of performances, workshops, brainstorming, outdoor activities, future-focused discussions and an eclectic program of TED Talks from prominent figures including Nicola Sturgeon.

Omid’s set provided a welcome touch of light relief at the conference, with his trademark mix of a little self-deprecation with a smattering of barbed cultural observations.

Watch Omid Djalili At the TEDSummit here.

Picture: Ryan Lash/TED



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