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News: The Last Leg Reveals Its Dick of the Year Nominees Explaining Why They Are Leaving One Name Out

News Year's Eve Comedy

C4's series The Last Leg has announced its Dick of the Year nominees for 2019. 

Viewers had been invited to send in their suggestions via Twitter using the hashtag #dickoftheyearnominee

The six final contenders were revealed on the live show on Friday night, but before they were confirmed presenter Adam Hills explained that one name would not be in contention.

A number of tweets had nominated Father Ted/IT Crowd comedy writer Graham Linehan for the award following his comments about gender issues that have caused controversy.

Hills explained that having given the matter some thought Linehan would not be in the final six for a number for reasons. He suggested that it felt flippant to deal with this by giving out a trophy called "dick of the year". He also said that Graham Linehan now wants to be called "dick of the year" and Hills said that under the rules once you want to be dick of the year you can't be named dick of the year.

Afterwards Linehan tweeted: "It's gotten to the stage where I'm actually grateful to a comedy show for not participating in a harassment campaign. Thanks, @TheLastLeg". 

So these are the six nominees that viewers can vote for using their hashtags. The reasons for them being chosen are pretty self-explanatory.







The polls are now open and the winner will be revealed next Friday.




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