The first steering group has been confirmed for the newly formed Live Comedy Association.
The LCA is a new body representing the live comedy industry.
Established with the aim of providing a network for everyone involved in the creation of live comedy, including comedy clubs, comedians, festivals, tour/arts venues, promoters, production companies, agents/managers, publicists, and operations & backstage crews, the organisation is intended to provide a collective voice for anyone who derives the majority of their work, or who regularly benefits directly, from live comedy performance.
The LCA has plans for long term support of the industry but the impetus initially came about as an immediate response to the current challenges it faces during the Covid-19 pandemic. As with all industries that predominantly focus on live events it has seen its revenues plummet over the last six weeks, with no clear end point in sight.
To that end, this initial Steering Group, following nominations being invited, will be put in place for the first six months of the LCA, tasked with formalising the association, defining its aims and missions, growing and diversifying its membership, and coordinating a cross-industry response to the ongoing Covis-19 crisis.
Recognising the need for a united network across the industry, the founders Bríd Kirby, Owen Donovan, and Charlie Perkins, all well known for their long-term work in the UK live comedy industry, last week reached out to their connections asking for input on the creation of the association. Over 150 key industry professionals quickly expressed their support for an organisation to be formed, thereafter the Live Comedy Association was born.
The LCA already has support from a large number of comics and comedy organisations such as The Stand, Soho Theatre, Monkey Barrel, Berk’s Nest, Angel Comedy, Fight In The Dog, The Frog & Bucket, Blink Industries, IAM, Little Wander & Leicester Comedy Festival.
Anyone within the industry who wishes to become a member can find out more and sign up by visiting www.livecomedyassociation.co.uk.
This initial group will sit for six months and will have two key tasks:
Establishing the association: further define its aims & mission; broaden its membership and ability to represent the industry; put forward to the membership a proposal for the long-term shape of the association.
Coordinating an immediate industry response to the Covid-19 crisis as the UK moves out of lockdown.
On Monday 11th the website page will be updated with details of how to contact representatives on the Steering Group.
The Steering Group is as follows:
Chair - Brid Kirby
Vice-Chair - Owen Donovan
Representation & Inclusion - Saima Ferdows
England (North and West) - Adam Rushton
England (South and East, not including London) - Pope Lonergan
London - Dec Munro
Wales - Henry Widdicombe
Northern Ireland - pending confirmation from person with most nominations
Scotland - Katy Koren
TV/Broadcast - Kate Doughton
Comics - Tez Ilyas
Comedy Clubs - Jessica Toomey
Arts & Tour Venues - Pax Lowey
Live Production Companies & Producers - Kitty Edgar
Gig Promoters - David Elphick
Operations Crew (tech/FOH/tour managers etc.) - Jenny Kassner
Festivals - Geoff Rowe
Agents - Hannah Martin
Publicists - Gaby Jerrard