Comedian Tom Binns is hoping to get the live comedy circuit moving again – with socially distanced drive-in comedy gigs.
Binns (aka Hospital DJ Ivan Brackenbury) got the idea from romantic drive-in cinemas in America. "It will be just like the ones you've seen in the movies but with live comedy and rain and it will probably be in a Lidl car park."
He is hoping to set up Edinburgh Fringe-style programming throughout August if the campaign raises the money, but not just in Edinburgh, also at Drive-In Comedy Clubs at key cities around the UK.
He has launched a Kickstarter fund and has explained the logistics on their page. "The main challenge and expense is getting the sound to work inside the cars. We can't use a loud sound system because some of the planned locations are in residential areas. Also unlike a drive-in cinema, it's essential for the comic timing that the comedian hears the laughter. We have a way where the sound is beamed to the car speakers and the laughter is fed back to the stand-up comedian with almost no delay. The sound system for 200 cars will cost between £3,000 and £3,500. That many cars might cause interference for the radio signal which is why we haven't got an exact price our next job will be to test and upgrade if necessary."
It will cost £1,500 to put a stage on the roof of his VW van. "Everything else we need we already have like mic stand, the best acts on the circuit and jokes."
"Every backer gets more value back than they put in. If you pledge money to buy a ticket for one show you get tickets for two. Tickets for the Drive-in Fringe Festival we've got planned for the summer are great value and they may be the only way you'll get a taste of the Edinburgh Fringe this year and the lifetime pass will pay for itself because even after we get a vaccine and life returns to normal, a drive-in comedy club and drive in Fringe will still be the most fun, novel and romantic thing you can do in a Lidl car park."
Binns is hoping to get a major name for the opening gala. "I can't imagine availability will be a problem."